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Driving in Czech Republic vs. South Korea: Key Differences

Explore the intriguing contrasts in road regulations and practices between the Czech Republic and South Korea. With notable distinctions in lane markings, speed limits, and alcohol consumption norms, understanding these variations is vital for ensuring a secure and enjoyable journey. Delve into this comparison to uncover essential insights for safe travels abroad.


Markings: Solid Yellow Line
czech republic:
Used for marking no-parking zones.
south korea:
Marks the centerline on two-way roads; no crossing allowed.
Markings: Dashed Yellow Line
czech republic:
Used for temporary traffic situations.
south korea:
Centerline on two-way roads; passing permitted when safe.
Overtaking: On Right
czech republic:
Only on multi-lane roads or when the vehicle ahead is turning left.
south korea:
Allowed on multi-lane roads
Bus Lanes: Usage
czech republic:
Reserved for buses and sometimes taxis.
south korea:
Reserved for buses during specified hours.
Bus Lanes: Markings
czech republic:
Labeled 'BUS' or specific road signs.
south korea:
Often marked with blue lines, labeled 'BUS'.
Cycle Lanes: Markings
czech republic:
Bicycle symbols and colored pavement.
south korea:
Bicycle symbols and sometimes colored pavement.
High- Occupancy Lanes: Presence
czech republic:
south korea:
High- Occupancy Lanes: Requirements
czech republic:
south korea:
Minimum two or more occupants
Variable Speed Limits: Presence
czech republic:
south korea:
Variable Speed Limits: Indications
czech republic:
Electronic signs display current limits.
south korea:

Speeds Limits

Urban Areas: Standard
czech republic:
50 km/h
south korea:
60 km/h
Urban Areas: Residential Zones
czech republic:
20-30 km/h
south korea:
30 km/h
Rural Areas: Cars And Motorcycles
czech republic:
90 km/h
south korea:
80-100 km/h
Rural Areas: Buses And Vans
czech republic:
90 km/h
south korea:
80-100 km/h
Rural Areas: Trucks And Trailers
czech republic:
90 km/h
south korea:
60-80 km/h
Highways: Cars And Motorcycles
czech republic:
130 km/h
south korea:
100-120 km/h
Highways: Buses And Vans
czech republic:
100 km/h
south korea:
100-110 km/h
Highways: Trucks And Trailers
czech republic:
80-90 km/h
south korea:
80-100 km/h
Variable Speed Limits: Presence
czech republic:
south korea:
Variable Speed Limits: Indications
czech republic:
Electronic signs display current limits.
south korea:
Enforcement: On-the- Spot Fines
czech republic:
Yes, commonly applied
south korea:


Traffic Lights: Flashing Amber
czech republic:
Proceed with caution, yield to pedestrians and other vehicles.
south korea:
Proceed with caution, yield to pedestrians and other vehicles
Traffic Lights: Red And Amber Together
czech republic:
Not used.
south korea:
Not used in South Korea
Use Of Indicators: Roundabouts
czech republic:
Signal when entering and exiting
south korea:
Signal when exiting
Horn Usage: Allowed
czech republic:
Only in cases to avoid accidents.
south korea:
Only in cases to avoid accidents
Horn Usage: Prohibited Times
czech republic:
Unnecessary use prohibited in most areas.
south korea:
Unnecessary use discouraged; local ordinances may apply
Horn Usage: Penalties
czech republic:
Fines may apply for misuse.
south korea:
Fines may apply for misuse
Headlight Flash: Usage
czech republic:
To warn other drivers of your presence or to indicate overtaking.
south korea:
To warn other drivers of your presence or to indicate overtaking
Headlight Flash: Prohibited Usage
czech republic:
Not to be used to signal other messages.
south korea:
Not to be used to signal other messages
Hand Signals: Permitted
czech republic:
Yes, if vehicle signals are malfunctioning.
south korea:
Yes, if vehicle signals are malfunctioning
Hand Signals: Common Usage
czech republic:
Rare, as vehicle indicators are expected.
south korea:
Rare, as vehicle indicators are expected
Traffic Signs: Language
czech republic:
Czech; symbols are standard.
south korea:
Korean; symbols are standard
Traffic Signs: Priority
czech republic:
Yield and stop signs must be obeyed.
south korea:
Yield and stop signs must be obeyed
Traffic Signs: Warning
czech republic:
Triangle-shaped with red border.
south korea:
Diamond-shaped with yellow or orange background


Right Turn On Red
czech republic:
Generally not allowed unless specifically indicated by a green arrow.
south korea:
Allowed unless prohibited by a sign
Left Turn: General
czech republic:
Permitted unless prohibited by signs.
south korea:
Permitted unless prohibited by signs
Left Turn: At Intersections
czech republic:
Yield to oncoming traffic when turning left.
south korea:
Yield to oncoming traffic when turning left
U- Turns Allowed
czech republic:
Allowed unless prohibited by signs.
south korea:
Allowed unless prohibited by signs
Special Turn Lanes
czech republic:
Yes, marked with arrows.
south korea:
Yes, marked with arrows
Overtaking While Turning
czech republic:
south korea:


Driver's License: Requirement
czech republic:
Valid driver's license required.
south korea:
Valid driver's license required
Driver's License: Foreign: E U/ E E A
czech republic:
Accepted without International Driving Permit.
south korea:
Accepted with International Driving Permit
Driver's License: Foreign: Non- E U
czech republic:
International Driving Permit recommended or required.
south korea:
Accepted with International Driving Permit
czech republic:
Liability insurance mandatory.
south korea:
Liability insurance mandatory
Vehicle Inspection: Requirement
czech republic:
Annual inspection mandatory.
south korea:
Mandatory; proof must be displayed
Vehicle Inspection: Sticker
czech republic:
Displayed on the windshield.
south korea:
Displayed on windshield
Emergency Equipment: Warning Triangles
czech republic:
south korea:
Emergency Equipment: Reflective Vest
czech republic:
south korea:
Recommended but not mandatory

Road Etiquette

Flashing Lights: Usage
czech republic:
To warn of hazards or signal intention to overtake.
south korea:
To warn of hazards or signal intention to overtake
Flashing Lights: Misuse
czech republic:
Discouraged, fines may apply.
south korea:
Discouraged, fines may apply
Lane Courtesy: Allowing Merging
czech republic:
Common practice, especially in heavy traffic.
south korea:
Common practice, especially in heavy traffic
Lane Courtesy: Blocking
czech republic:
Discouraged and may be penalized.
south korea:
Discouraged and may be penalized
Use Of Horn: Limited
czech republic:
Only in emergency situations.
south korea:
Only in emergency situations
Use Of Horn: Cultural Norm
czech republic:
Less frequent use compared to some countries.
south korea:
Less frequent use compared to some countries
Pedestrians Priority
czech republic:
Pedestrians have right of way at crosswalks.
south korea:
Pedestrians have right of way at crosswalks
Emergency Vehicles: Protocol
czech republic:
Pull over to the right and stop if necessary.
south korea:
Pull over to the right and stop if necessary
Emergency Vehicles: Awareness
czech republic:
Listen for sirens and watch for flashing lights.
south korea:
Listen for sirens and watch for flashing lights


Limits: General Drivers
czech republic:
south korea:
Limits: Professional Drivers
czech republic:
south korea:
Zero Tolerance: Drugs
czech republic:
Zero tolerance for driving under the influence of drugs.
south korea:
Zero tolerance for driving under the influence of drugs
Zero Tolerance: Medications
czech republic:
Check if medication affects driving ability.
south korea:
Check if medication affects driving ability
Enforcement: Random Checks
czech republic:
Common, often at checkpoints.
south korea:
Common; sobriety checkpoints frequently used
Enforcement: Fines
czech republic:
Can be substantial.
south korea:
Varies; can be substantial
Enforcement: Imprisonment
czech republic:
Possible for severe offenses.
south korea:
Possible for severe offenses
Test Refusal
czech republic:
Can result in license suspension.
south korea:
Can result in license suspension and fines


Priority: Entering
czech republic:
Yield to traffic already in the roundabout.
south korea:
Yield to traffic already in the roundabout
Priority: Inside
czech republic:
Maintain lane discipline, do not change lanes abruptly.
south korea:
Maintain lane discipline, do not change lanes abruptly
Signaling: Entering
czech republic:
Signal if turning immediately upon entry.
south korea:
Signal if turning immediately upon entry
Signaling: Exiting
czech republic:
Signal right when preparing to exit.
south korea:
Signal right when preparing to exit
Lane Usage: Right
czech republic:
Use for first exit or straight.
south korea:
Use for first exit or straight
Lane Usage: Left
czech republic:
Use for subsequent exits, move to right lane before exit when safe.
south korea:
Use for subsequent exits, move to right lane before exit when safe

Emergency Services

Contact: Traffic Police
czech republic:
south korea:
Varies; often part of the general emergency network
Contact: Roadside Assistance
czech republic:
1230—UAMK; additional providers can be used depending on insurance.
south korea:
Check with your insurance provider
Emergency Equipment: Warning Triangles
czech republic:
south korea:
Emergency Equipment: Reflective Vest
czech republic:
south korea:
Recommended but not mandatory

Penalties And Fines

Common Fines: Speeding
czech republic:
Varies; typically €50 to €600 depending on severity.
south korea:
Varies; fines and license points given
Common Fines: Alcohol
czech republic:
Varies; substantial fines, possible jail time.
south korea:
Varies; substantial fines, possible jail time
Common Fines: Seat Belts
czech republic:
€50 or more.
south korea:
Fines and license points given
Common Fines: Phone Use
czech republic:
€50 or more.
south korea:
Fines and license points given
Common Fines: Traffic Light Violation
czech republic:
€100 or higher, points on license.
south korea:
Fines and license points given
Payment: On The Spot
czech republic:
Common, cash preferred.
south korea:
Payment: Deadline
czech republic:
Varies; typically 15-30 days to pay.
south korea:
Varies; typically 30 days to pay
Foreign Drivers: Fines
czech republic:
Same as residents; must be paid.
south korea:
Same as residents; must be paid
Foreign Drivers: Vehicle Impoundment
czech republic:
Possible if fines are not paid.
south korea:
Possible if fines are not paid